Wednesday, September 23, 2009

2GNEC: 3 Key Reasons Why Online Learning May Be Right For You !

(As with all our blog posts, newsletters and free publications please forward to as many persons as you think could benefit from our publications and training programs. Copyright is only to prevent the content from being changed without our permission.)

Many persons are now waking up to the tremendous opportunities made available by the Internet and computer technology. Maybe you are one of those! You know what, now is a great time to wake up. Of course you will have already missed a great deal of opportunity so far, but there is so much more available now!

Our discussion of online training in this blog looks at the matters of acquiring considerable computer skills passively, of being able to study and take care of your family at the same time; and the enormous benefits of being able to study at the pace that is best for you.

Education has been one of the greatest supporters of Internet technology and has benefited perhaps the most from it. Today it is possible to find information on any topic at a place near you - quite likely at home. Never before has so much information been so easily available and updated so quickly and frequently.

If you have a computer (even a relatively old one as long as it is working) you might be able to realize some significant benefits from training online. Of course, to train online you need an Internet connection and a training program that meets your needs. Or you might be able to have your child, ward or friend achieve those critical academic successes they want so badly.

A number of my friends have invested in computer systems for home use. Without exception they have printers and most have Internet connections. A few have some computer skills, some bought the computer with the intention to learn how to use it, but never got around to the learning part. So their investment is aging and so are their skills, while the world moves on.

Since some of them bought their computer from me, I have often noted the pain I feel when I meet some of them later, having trouble with their aging computer that they still have not learned how to use properly. Calling your computer supplier to complain that your printer is not working only for the tech-support crew to find out that the ink cartridge needs to be changed is really not amusing!

1. So this introduces the first reason to train online - it builds your computer skills automatically, many times without you realizing it! This is such a powerful way to learn that we incorporate it in our training programs at 2GN Education Centers. Our students come away from our courses with way more than they paid for and wonder if it is really that easy. Its easy because of our extraordinary expertise in the area of computer skills training. and computer assisted training. Any of our graduates who has also trained somewhere else will attempt to explain the difference with some difficulty - they can't always put their finger on it. But they are unanimous that training with us is unlike training anywhere else.

2. A close friend of mine has two small kids, works a full time job and attends classes after work. Her kids get home before she does most days. To avoid the risk of them using the computer, and especially the Internet inappropriately, they are not allowed to use the computer without supervision. So the computer mostly just sits there aging. The kids are having the same struggles as people without access to the wonderful world of online learning. Of course, even if she had the knowledge, she would not likely have the strength nor inclination to teach her kids much when she gets home. We can't help mentioning that this well meaning mom sends her kids to extra classes which keeps them on the roads when most kids would already be home and safe.

What would a smarter mom do? That's right, study online! That one was easy, wasn't it? By studying online she could have eliminated a whole slew of problems: she would be able to spend more time at home, supervise her kids (and even have them study online), would gain the passive benefits we mentioned earlier and actually benefit from the significant investment she made in the computer system. If you are in a situation like that studying online may be right for you. That's the second reason for studying online. There are so many benefits from this reason that we could stop here.

3. But there is more. One of the weaknesses of traditional classroom training is what we call the "averaging effect" where faster students have to slow down and slower students are kind of pulled along through the 'learning curve'. It is frustrating for both sets of students, while those in the middle are mostly just praying to get safely through the exams, so they don't have to study the subject any more. We have included flexibility in our training programs to avoid this phenomenon since the beginning of our training programs many years ago. Today online courses like ours allow students to learn at their best pace, with the guidance of online instructor run classes more as support than as the main event. Online students have access to more instructional material than their classroom counterparts, more choice in finding the material that works best for them, more ways to keep in touch with and get help from their instructors, and a better overall learning experience, especially when the other two factors we discussed earlier - the passive skills acquired and the flexibility to operate from home - are taken into account.

There is no escaping it, there are some very serious advantages to studying online:
  • the development of passive (and active) computer skills as a natural outcome of the exposure to computer technology;
  • the safety, comfort and the peace of mind to study at home;
  • and the greater opportunity to learn more at ones best pace.
Until now, this was only affordable by the ultra-rich. Today anyone who really wants to can enjoy these benefits and the large number of others we have not mentioned in this article. Franky, we know you get the picture, so we won't rub it in any more.
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2GN Education Centers offers quite a range of training programs including CXC, Pre-CXC, GSAT and special programs such as remedial reading, English language and maths. Our professional programs include three levels of Business Information Technology and Cashiering. Check out our educational programs at and click on the "education success link". You might also want to check out or personal development link as well, there is a lot available there and this material will help you do better with less effort anything else you are working towards achieving.

If you've never experienced it or seen online training at work and feel a little scared of trying it we have a solution for that too! You can subscribe at the link below to our free newsletter which will provide you with details on such things as our free online training sessions, our special programs and deals on existing packages. Subscribing puts you in the best position to enjoy the benefits of modern information technology.

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So get in early, click here and get the first opportunities for the best there is. And of course you can contact us by email:, telephone: (876) 622-2810 or Skype: skype-2gnec. Details on our contacts page and the bottom of most of our web pages.

The 2GNEC Training Team