Thursday, April 2, 2009

2GNEC: Secrets to faster, more effective ways to learn?

2GNEC: Secrets to faster, more effective ways to learn? Oh yes, definitely! And some of them are so simple and effective you'll wish someone had told you this stuff years ago! That was exactly my feeling as I learned and that's why I am sharing then with you - for free !

Have you ever wondered whether there is an easier way to learn things, whether to improve your skills or academic performance? If you are like most of us, the answer is a resounding yes! At some point in our learning experience, every one of us has wondered this very thing - isn't there an easier way? Well, take heart for there is! But the traditional education system won't tell you about it. We are not traditional, we go after the best, the cutting edge, the most effective and efficient - whether they are brand new or as old as the hills. So we have some really interesting things to share with you that you won't hear at your kids' PTA, nor probably anywhere else but here!

The normal systems of education provide plenty of opportunity for transfer of knowledge. The trouble is whether the person receiving the information can put it back together in the same way the person providing the information intended. Now this is where all hell breaks loose, for the results of normal training show quite clearly that, for a large number of persons, the information transferred is not quite the information received.

Instead of attempting to list the many methods attempting to correct this problem, nor the even more attempts at explaining it, we will focus on what can be done right now to help you learn more, faster, easier and accurately. Its this last part, the matter of accuracy, that sets 2GN and 2GN Education Centers apart from other education and training institutions.

We understand that, just as every person is unique, so the way each person learns is unique. So we provide each student in a flexible learning environment, zoom in on their area of difficulty, locate and manage the cause, thereby creating a unique experience. In order to do this we avail ourselves of all the best techniques, methods and technologies to make learning as fast, efficient and effective as possible. We have had some remarkable results - and we keep improving!

Later we will explain what that means. Right now, we will give you some information that you can use right now to improve your results.

Dealing with tests and examinations

Most students find tests and, in particular, final exams to be particularly stressing. This is where their knowledge, or lack of knowledge, shows up most clearly. Or so it was thought. What is now becoming clear is that students' scores are as much a reflection of their knowledge of the subject as it is their ability to decode the questions and recall or create the correct answer under stress. It stands to reason also, that each student will experience different levels of stress depending on their level of preparedness, their level of comfort with the subject and their general mental condition at the time of the test. Of course, high performing students have these issues too, but what do they do different than failing students?

First, they take more time to prepare. Most failing students believe that they have not taken enough time to prepare and become stressed and even frightened when faced with a test. Now they feel certain that they will fail - and this belief becomes their experience. Passing students will already have spent some time understanding the subject to the point where they feel comfortable with their level of understanding and feel they can pass a test on that subject. This belief, again, becomes their experience, but it is not drawn out of thin air. It is their level of understanding of the subject that gives rise to this confidence. Any failing student, if they take this approach to their studies will develop greater and greater confidence in their ability to pass a test.

At the examination however, the matter of stress arises. Confidence alone might not be enough to deal effectively with the stress and there are large numbers of students who do very well in assignments where they are not under exam pressure. There are a number of ways to deal with this and, as with any kind of treatment of this kind, your mileage will vary. We will look at one method.

Rewire your mental association of the examination situation. This is a simple yet powerful technique that can be applied to a wide range of situations. Although we will not go in depth into how and why it works, the following example will make it clear that it does work. Once you try it, you might wonder why you never thought of it yourself.

The writer shares this experience: My daughter, 16 years old at the time, was having trouble with her exams and her grades were, in a word, bad. But she studied hard and did well during the school term. The question was, why was she failing so often at the end of term exams. This was a good occasion to put this technique I had learned to work.

I had her sit in a comfortable chair take a few deep breaths and relax. This was over the phone, by the way. Then I asked her to describe what came to her mind the moment I said the word "exam". After a brief pause she described a very dark and dismal scene, not unlike what you would see in a disaster scene. So clear and strong was it in her mind that her mood changed immediately. Bear in mind that she was at home, sitting in a comfortable chair and not doing an examination at all! So you see where the problem comes from.

I had her stop at that point and relax again. Then I asked her to describe a scene that made her feel happy and confident. So she described a bright sunny day where she was lying down and looking at the sky. She even said that the song "Its gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiny day" came to mind. So I had her really get into it so it would be easy for her to recall later when we needed it.

That's the first part of the technique to correct the problem. The next part was to help her to pull up the second scene - the bright sunshiny day when I next used the word "exam". Although simple, it is important to get the next step right, and, being on the phone I was concerned about that. Nevertheless, we continued. Her sense of imagination was quite powerful and I thought it would work well even over the phone. Now, I said, when I say exam and the first scene - the gloom and doom one - comes to mind, switch immediately to the bright sunshiny scene. Do it as fast as you can and hold the sunshiny screen, seeing it as clearly as you can.

So I said "exam" and there was quiet on the line. A few seconds later she said with a chuckle, "yeah, I see it now!". We repeated the exercise about three more times to make the transition more smooth. The result: her next set of examination grades were remarkably better. In fact, they were among her best.

A simple technique, correctly applied, massive results. Like I said, your mileage will vary, but, done right, you will get similar results if this is the problem you (or your child or friend) is having. Of course, If you are near us, we can help. Better still, if you become a 2GN student you have access to all this and much more.

So call us at (876) 488-2771 or email us at

2GN Education Centers

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